November Contest Entry Deadline: 28th November 2010.
Le Charme Fashion is holding a contest. Which is your Charme? We want to see your fantasy and your taste wearing Le Charme Fashion!! Become the next TOP MODEL OF THE MONTH and everybody will see your picture at the entrance of the Store for one month... And it's a free way for you to promote yourself as a Model!! - PRIZES -
1. 1000L.
2. Next New Release Vendor's Model.
3. Entry into Le Charme Fashion Agency as a Top Model with the possibility to do Fashion Shows.
4. One JESYLILO skin gently offered by Lilo Glam (850L).
5. Portfolio or Profile Picture gently offered by STYLIN'U by Hallelujah Bellingshausen (500L).
6. Set of Poses by Morgane Batista (1000L).
This is NOT a voting contest!! Entries will be pre-screened by Le Charme Fashion Staff and final winners will be choosen by them. Any judges participating in the monthly contest will not be named publicly.
1. Buy the outfit you like the most by Le Charme Fashion Fall Collection (old collection is sold at 100L).
2. Gifts excluded. Old collection excluded.
3. Take a picture wearing it and show us all your CHARME. The picture have to be 1024x1024 Bodyshot and Full Perms. Can be edited out of SL, it's up to you to. The judge will pick the best person wearing Le Charme Fashion style (beauty, how you wear the outfit, hair, etc...)
4. Only Le Charme Fashion designs and jewelry should appear in the picture. No pieces from any other designer should appear.
5. You may submit from 1 to a maximum of 3 pictures (each with different outfits, of course).
6. Models who already model for Le Charme Fashion may enter, but previous 1st place winners are ineligible to participate.
7. Men may not appear in the picture. No more than one female in any picture.
8. Only Model's and Outfit's name are allowed on the picture.
9. Rename the picture with "Le Charme Fashion - Which Is Your Charme (Your Name)" and give it to Ramona Planer.
11. Post the picture on the group with the same title that used in SL. You are allowed to post from 1 to 3 pictures per month. Include in the comments the name of the outfit and a little description about yourself.
12. Le Charme Fashion reserves the right to disqualify if the rules mentioned are not respected.
The competition is opened since 31st October til 28th November. You have to send your pictures until 28th November. The Winner will be announced within 30th November.
The Winners will be announced in Le Charme Fashion Group and on Flickr Group Chat on 30th November. The picture of the Winner will be in Le Charme Fashion Store for all next month, so everybody can see who has WIN!!
Any and all inquires and entries for the contest should be directed to Ramona Planer and NOT to any of the Designers or Staff of Le Charme Fashion.
Most importantly... Have Fun and Good Luck!!
Le Charme Fashion Staff